Our corporate group has been successfully supervising processes of energy efficiency improvement in the large-scale and medium-scale industry for many years. We have achieved evident reductions in energy consumption in our client's facilities. Our activities lead to substantially reduced energy costs while production parameters are maintained on the same level, and what is more, while the quality and power stability is preserved.
The corporate group has so far performed approximately 1200 energy efficiency audits which encompass specific projects for savings modelling in industrial installations. Such modernization projects have resulted in a considerable reduction in energy consumption. It is directly translated into average annual savings on the level of about 360 million EUR.
We provide complex energy efficiency services. We identify possibilities, instruct, design and implement recommended solutions. Moreover, we monitor performance of our client's machines and units. In addition, we are capable of financing an investment by energy performance contracts – either in a model based on guaranteed savings and a one-time payment or in a model based on splitted savings and repayment during a longer period of time.
DBE was formed as a civil law partnership. Its formation was motivated by a growing demand for energy market services.
he partnership was transformed into a limited liability company. The R&D department was set up.
DBE founded APPS sp. z o.o. which provides measurement services in the energy efficiency field.
The company was developing dynamically and widened the service portfolio (our competence grew in every area of energy efficiency for industrial plants).
The company entered into the first EPC contract (Energy Performance Contract). Therefore, it became an ESCO company (Energy Saving Company).
The limited liability company was converted into a public limited company.
DBE S.A. celebrated its debut on the New Connect stock exchange in Warsaw.
DBE S.A. set up a new company, Willbee Energy GmbH in Magdeburg, Germany. Its aims to provide energy efficiency services on international markets, in particular on European Union markets.
Currently, DBE holds 100% shares of APPS sp. z o.o. and Willbee Energy GmbH.
Ph.D. degree in economics of Wroclaw University of Economics. Long-term research fellow in the Department of Financial Investments and Risk Management. He specializes in corporate finance and real estate management. Founder and co-owner of MARSHAL Limited liability company which offers professional risk and insurance advisory services. Member of the Council of Employer's Organization of Polish Copper.
Ph.D. degree in Technical Sciences. Graduated from doctoral studies in the Department of Electrical Power Engineering at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Wroclaw University of Technology. His scientific and practical interest is in the renewable energy industry and the energy consumption of the industrial end-users. Specialist of the National Chamber of Commerce within the scope of energy efficiency, chairman of the energy efficiency group of the Chamber of Industrial Energy Engineering and Forum of Electricity and Gas Customers.
Our team is represented by engineers who show extensive experience and knowledge in the area of electrical power installations, both their design and performance. We have didactic and R&D facilities at our disposal. They account for a significant element in the employee training program. The facilities are also used to test new solutions for our clients. Since the beginning, the corporate group has been pursuing research and development activities to improve energy efficiency and to develop diagnostic tools for electrical machines in the industry.
In order to expand our knowledge and further train our employees, we participated in qualifying further training in 2021, funded by the ESF and the state of Saxony-Anhalt. This enabled us to deepen our knowledge in the area of compressed air efficiency and train an energy auditor according to ISO 50001.