Electric drives account for more than 70% of electric energy consumed in the industry. As it results from our experience, drives do not operate efficiently due to imperfect controlling systems or their lack. Easy methods to control drives installations may lead to substantial savings. Our corporate group has gained an average pay-back period in this field of 2.5 years.
WILLBEE drives ntails specialized services to analyse the profitability of drive units modernization, together with an execution of such a project. Depending on a client's needs, we may conduct machinery diagnostics. It involves the diagnostics of an engine, a gearbox and actuators. We also assess pumps and fans efficiency, and select new units or control systems in already existing installations. However, we always initiate the process with a free-of-charge estimation of drives to identify potential savings which is based on data delivered by a client. Once savings are initially estimated, we provide our concept for further cooperation. This stage entails designing a complex modernization concept, financing models (ESCO and EPC) and, finally, a project implementation.
An exemplary investment, which was financed in the ESCO model, included modernization of a 160kW drive throttled at 30%. In this project we managed to:
WILLBEE drives lead directly to savings in energy consumed by a machine. It also enables better operating parameters adjustment and improved unit performance dynamics. What is more important, it allows drives to perform independently, in accordance with set flow and pressure parameters. This allows expensive malfunctions and stoppages to be prevented.